
WP&C Wins US Army ERP Strategy Contract

ERP artwork for news item v1WP&C is pleased to announce that in the second half of 2019 it was awarded a contract to assess and advise the leadership of US Army Materiel Command (AMC) on the Army’s strategy for modernizing its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.

AMC is the primary logistical organization of the US Army, responsible for managing its global supply chain. The organization leads logistics and sustainment efforts at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels to ensure commanders have the materiel readiness to conduct global military operations. As it moves toward modernization of its operations, AMC currently faces key challenges associated with the complexity of its current ERP technologies and architecture. In the scope of this contract, WP&C will help AMC leadership assess the current state of Army ERP systems and recommend a workable strategy to guide technology design, execution, operations, and investment decisions.

ERP Quote

“WP&C has a long history of successfully helping AMC improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its manufacturing and logistics operations. We are humbled and proud to be selected by AMC to assist with this important aspect of its mission,” said Hamilton. "Our goal is to help AMC use its next-generation ERP systems to create greater business efficiencies, improve readiness and force stability, and deliver rapid, continuous capability improvements to the warfighter.”

WP&C believes complexity is the defining business issue of the modern age. Enterprises that can identify and successfully manage complexity are able to modernize effectively and dominate in their competitive arenas, while those that allow complexity to grow unmanaged find it increasingly difficult to compete. Furthermore, WP&C believes that a poor understanding of the undesirable technology complexities that can be introduced by critical business systems, such as ERP systems, frequently impairs the effectiveness of such systems. WP&C combines expertise in managing organizational and operational complexity, legacy and emerging technologies, and human factors to help clients thrive in today’s Age of Complexity.

“This award is evidence that we provide our clients a mix of capabilities that is unique and unmatched in management consulting,” said Andrei Perumal, WP&C’s Cofounder and Managing Partner. “We often hear how difficult it is to find competent, vendor-neutral, technology advisors who are also experts on  complexity—add to this our firm’s in-depth knowledge of AMC’s business and our lengthy and successful track-record helping AMC improve operations in the organic industrial base, and we are a natural partner for AMC in this engagement.”

Learn about our Technology Strategy expertise here.

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