WP&C provides truly independent, well-informed technology strategy advice. Companies often spend vast sums of money on technology-driven solutions, to disappointing results. We bring broad technology expertise, a unique understanding of complexity, and a neutral voice to optimize your technology investments.
Companies are struggling to cope with and capitalize on the rapid rate of technological change. At the same time, technology is struggling to keep up with the rate of change in businesses. Technology strategy can be one of the greatest enablers of business success, but for many large institutions, it has become a complicated, costly hindrance.
WP&C can provide clarity on critical strategic questions:
Technology development is additive, with new systems built on top of older systems. To keep up with growing technological complexity, businesses layer on organizational and operational complexity. This slows down reaction times, stifles innovation, increases operating costs, and flattens returns on technology investments. We can help your team cut through complexity and take control of your technology strategy to unlock immense value for your organization.
Holistic Approach: Companies often focus on technology selection alone, overlooking underlying IT resilience, the ability to deploy and maintain technology, and broader strategy.
Process Focus: When employing new technology, don’t miss the opportunity to gain (or maintain) competitive advantage through careful redesign and reinforcement.
Risk Mitigation: Gain a practical understanding of what is likely to go wrong with a technology transformation and develop a strategy for managing risk. Common issues include a lack of clear leadership, undisciplined governance, poor change management, and an inability to manage complexity.
Healthy Suspicion of Vendors: Beware of "free" advice from vendors. Platform providers and strategy vendors are incentivized to design complex solutions that lead to never-ending deployments and vendor lock-in.
WP&C was founded on the unique vision that companies are increasingly struggling with the complexity in today’s world. We are technology strategists and experienced business operators who understand the vast benefit that can be unlocked with technology but are also conscious of how complexity emerges from and creeps into technology projects.
We believe we must be independent to be thought partners to our clients. We do not resell technology or technology implementation services. Instead, we support clients wherever they are in their technology journey, from initial strategy development to intervention when a technology project has gone astray.
Firms react to increased market competition with big technology bets, which inherently add complexity by connecting processes, data, people, and systems. Unchecked, this complexity quickly erodes value and leads to never-ending tech initiatives. Learn how to pressure-test your big bets and diagnose complexity that threatens to derail your projects.
Download the Guide
Process automation can unlock capacity and yield significant ROI, but done poorly, it complicates processes and introduces points of failure. WP&C integrates process design, organizational design, and technology application to ensure value creation.
Dean Hamilton, WP&C Chief Technology Officer and Partner, provides an introduction to RPA on the Business Infrastructure Podcast. Listen to hear Dean's key takeaways from his three decades of experience as a founder, technologist, and C-suite level executive.
Outsourcing and automation share common goals—cost reduction, error reduction, and capacity increase. But when executed without sufficient preparation, both approaches can fail. This Spotlight helps you determine which approach is right for your organization.
WP&C supported the modernization of one of the most complex enterprise business system environments in the world—a US military organization with an ad hoc collection of nearly 600 businesses that relied on outdated technologies and platforms. WP&C provided an independent, holistic evaluation of the current IT enterprise architecture and advised senior executives on the creation of a strategy for modernizing both its IT systems and IT architecture to support the future mission of the enterprise.
In our latest book, learn how to navigate the Sirens of Growth® and build true scale in today’s new era of competition.
Download Chapter 1“WP&C is helping us transform our business. Their insights are phenomenal!”
“Wilson Perumal & Company's approach treats complexity as the enemy. Declaring war is the most direct route to an efficient, profitable enterprise. We declared war on the complexity in our portfolio, resulting in streamlined customer offerings and a more nimble business.”
“This was a quick and painless way to understand our true product profitability, and it challenges how we think about our business. I am extremely pleased with the results.”
“WP&C’s insights into our portfolio, cost structure and growth drivers have changed the way we think about our business. The brand management playbooks they developed for the business will be critical to how we make decisions going forward.”
“I have been more than pleased with what you have been able to accomplish in this time. Beyond my expectations...Spectacular!”
“Fantastic piece of work! You’ve really shed a lot of light on our business. Inmarsat will benefit enormously from your contribution and we will be using your structured thinking to guide us through the decision-making to come.”
“If you take all six times [past projects] where we looked at this, over the past ten years, and rolled them all up together, and multiplied by ten, it would still not be as good as this work.”
“Army personnel credit the collaboration between Joint Munitions Command, CAAA's higher headquarters, and consulting firm Wilson Perumal & Company for identifying areas to improve the munitions distribution process.”