
WP&C Cybersecurity Research Published by MIT Sloan

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WP&C is proud to share our latest cybersecurity research has been published in the MIT Sloan Management Review. In The Unaddressed Gap in Cybersecurity: Human Performance, Stephen Wilson (Managing Partner), Dean Hamilton (CTO), and Scott Stallbaum (Manager) explore the connection between High-reliability cybersecurity operations and human performance and outline some of the steps your company can take to reduce the risk of a threat to cybersecurity. 

Large scale data breaches and cybersecurity threats can often be traced back to human oversight. In this article, the authors explore how the cycle of introducing new technologies brings more complexity to an organization in the form of more people and processes and offer a solution – transform your business into a high-reliability organization (HRO).

HROs are organizations that have been able to operate in decentralized, high-risk environments (oil rigs, nuclear submarines, etc.) with a remarkably low number of incidents. The authors take the frameworks they’ve used to transform companies into HROs to define what companies must do to close the human performance gap putting cybersecurity at risk.

To learn more about the negative impact human performance has on cybersecurity and the steps your company can take to be more secure, click here.

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