News | Wilson Perumal & Company

WP&C Manager Speaks About Operational Excellence at APICS PDM in Houston

Written by Wilson Perumal | 00-00-0000

Houston TX – Chris Seifert, Manager at Wilson Perumal & Company, will be speaking at the APICS PDM meeting on May 15th at the Houston Hess Club. He will be discussing how to achieve operational excellence in the face of complexity. Attendees will learn:

  • How complexity impacts a company’s ability to achieve Operational Excellence
  • Why the traditional approaches to achieving Operational Excellence are not delivering the expected results
  • How an Operational Excellence Management System can overcome these shortcomings
  • The importance of creating a culture of Operational Discipline, and its role in achieving Operational Excellence
  • A road map for implementing an Operational Excellence Management System, and creating a culture of Operational Discipline, that can be effectively applied to teams as small as 10 people, or organizations of with more than 10,000 employees

Meeting Details

Date:     Thursday May 15th, 2014
Time:     5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Place:    HESS Club
               5430 Westheimer Rd
               Houston, TX 77056

Speaker Details

Bio:       Chris Seifert
Phone:  (972) 800-3618

Subject Details

The world has changed dramatically since LEAN and Six Sigma first came to prominence in the 1990’s.  Email, the Internet, and now social media have dramatically increased the interconnectedness of the world.  Globalization has led to increased competition, forcing companies to expand product portfolios and design increasingly complex manufacturing processes and supply chains.  Government regulation has become progressively more active, forcing companies to create new organizations and processes to ensure compliance.  All these changes have dramatically increased the complexity of the environment in which companies operate, and the pace of change continues to accelerate.

Against this backdrop of change and complexity, achieving Operational Excellence is now more important ever.  Your strategy to compete in the global marketplace will not be sustainable if your company is unable to consistently and reliably execute its strategy.  Any incident or pattern of performance that injures employees or damages the environment will be met with stiffer penalties from governments and stronger reactions from consumers. The news of quality or distribution incidents travels quickly and is covered more intently through the 24 hour news cycle.

At the same time, we see increasing evidence that LEAN and Six Sigma are no longer delivering the expected results.  In a survey of executives by AlixPartners, only 31% of respondents were able to achieve the results promised by their LEAN Six Sigma practitioners. 1 in 7 executives were unable to quantify any benefits. In a similar survey by Accenture, 58% of executives reported their continuous improvement programs delivered minimal financial impact.

Many CEOs and management teams are waking up to the disconcerting fact that while they have hundreds of ongoing projects with financial benefits “on paper, nothing is appearing on the bottom line.

Attendees of this presentation will learn:

  • How complexity impacts a company’s ability to achieve Operational Excellence
  • Why the traditional approaches to achieving Operational Excellence are not delivering the expected results
  • How an Operational Excellence Management System can overcome these shortcomings
  • The importance of creating a culture of Operational Discipline, and its role in achieving Operational Excellence

A road map for implementing an Operational Excellence Management System, and creating a culture of Operational Discipline, that can be effectively applied to teams as small as 10 people, or organizations of with more than 10,000 employees